P.O. Box 450/215 Main Street Brookneal, VA 24528


Municipal Government of the Town of Brookneal
July 9,2024
Brookneal Town Hall

7:00 PM – Town Council Meeting


Regular session of the Brookneal Town Council

  1. Call to order
  2. Invocation
  3. Changes and/or additions to agenda
  4. Approval of the June 11, 2024  Joint Committee Meeting and Town Council meeting minutes  
  5. Treasurer's report for July 2024
  6. Presentation and approval of invoices ($8,361.03)
  7. Public comment #1- This period of time is set-aside for Council to receive comments from the general public regarding issues within the community (3 minutes per person for a maximum amount of time for comments and responses not to exceed 15 minutes).
  8. Police report
  9. Public works/interim town manager report
  10. Request for Transfers of Appropriation
  11. Committee recommendations
  12. Public comment #2- This period of time for those citizens wishing to ask questions or make comments on tonight's meeting. (Comments will be limited to 1 minute per person.)
  13. Items from town council- This is an opportunity for council members to relate issues, concerns, or informational items that may be of interest to the general public, council members, and staff.
  14. Adjournment- Upon motion from council, Vice Mayor Wilkes will declare the July 9, 2024 meeting of the Brookneal Town Council adjourned.