November 12, 2024
7:00 PM – The regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council
The municipal government of the Town of Brookneal met with the following members present:
Kenneth Jennings, Mayor
Mark Wilkes, Vice Mayor
Barbara Laprade, Joseph David, Scott Fisher and Conner Francis, Council Members
Mike Crews, Public Works Director and Interim Town Manager
Bobbie Waller, Clerk/Treasurer
Robert Kolich, Chief of Police
Absent: Cynthia Johnson, Council Member
Upon motion by Conner Francis, seconded by Mark Wilkes, and unanimously carried, the Council approved the agenda for the November 12, 2024, regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council with the following changes:
Item #12 Items from Town Council
Item #14 Committee Recommendations
Item #14A Closed Session under VA Code 2.2-3711(A)(7) for purposes of staff briefing concerning probable litigation.
Upon motion by Mark Wilkes, seconded by Cynthia Johnson, and unanimously carried, Council approved the minutes for the October 8, 2024, Town Council meeting.
Mayor Jennings asked that the treasurer’s report for November 2024 be filed for audit.
Be it resolved that motion was made by Conner Francis, seconded by Scoff Fisher, and unanimously carried, authorizing the payment of the invoices for the period of October 9, 2024, through November 12, 2024, in the amount of $33,884.23.
Mr. Robert Brown, of VDOT, appeared before Council to address a few issues. He said that the town’s request for restricting “thru” tractor trailers on Main Street and East Rush Street is still under review. He said in 2020, the Town asked VDOT to review parking on Main Street at the Cook Street intersection; he said this has been very controversial. He said a recommendation was brought back and discussed with the former town manager and Mike Crews. He said VDOT was instructed to and installed “no parking from here to corner” signs on Main Street down to Cook Street. He said that he can’t undo what’s been done, but he understands there is interest in revising that parking to create a little bit of parking in front of Guthrie’s Hardware. He said he asked the traffic engineers to take another look at this to partially restore some of the parking there; he said he does not know if that is going to be approved or not. He said he talked to Councilperson Fisher today about this, and once the signs are up it is hard to reverse. He said the traffic study done in 2020 certainly warranted the signs to be installed; he said that that is what is going to make it difficult to reverse. He said he was adamant with Mr. Thurston that the Council was sure this was what they wanted before going forward. He said it was warranted based on available site distance. He said when vehicles park between those signs, it reduces your site distance. He said with the elevated sidewalk it makes it worse, and that elevated wall will physically damage your car if you get too close. He said that pushes parkers out into the travel lane; he said that is what is going to make it difficult to make changes. Mr. Francis asked Mr. Brown to keep pushing VDOT because it is a concern of several business owners in that area; he said it is valuable parking space if it can become available. Mr. Brown asked the Council if this was the consensus to try to remove some of the no parking in that area at Guthrie’s Hardware. Ms. Laprade asked if a portion could be considered, and not the entire area. Mr. Brown said that that has been discussed, giving at least 1 more parking space on that side of the street in front of Guthrie’s Hardware. Mr. Fisher clarified for the Council from his conversation with Mr. Brown earlier that the Council does not have the authority to remove the no parking sign, only VDOT can do that.
Upon motion by Scott Fisher, seconded by Conner Francis, and unanimously carried, the Council voted to officially request VDOT to give one parking spot back at the south end of the Main Street in front of Guthrie’s Hardware store. A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Mr. Francis Aye
Mr. Wilkes Aye
Mr. David Aye
Ms. Laprade Aye
Mr. Fisher Aye
Councilperson Laprade asked about fixing the surface area near the stoplight on the side of Burgers, Shakes & Cream. Mr. Brown said he would check on if it is in VDOT’s prohibited area near the railroad.
Vice Mayor Wilkes asked about separating lanes out at the stoplight going west to east.
Councilperson David asked if there was anything the Council could do to help move along the process, to improve 501, possibly install passing lanes, from Brookneal to Rustburg. Mr. Brown said that the biggest thing that you could do would be to attend the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s Spring hearing to show support for the 501 project. He said this project has been submitted at least twice but never scored high enough to become a project. He said it has been submitted again this year, and it is under review now.
Mr. John Vincent, of 205 Cook Avenue, announced to the Council that he would be hosting the free Thanksgiving dinner again at the community building this year on November 28, 2024.
Ms. Tracy Meisenbach, of 527 Cook Avenue, asked about getting handicap parking spaces marked on Main Street. She also said that in other places, VDOT has giant silver mirrored garden ball looking apparatuses that are placed across from intersections that have bad site lines. She said that corner at Cook and Main needs one of those. Mr. Fisher told Ms. Meisenbach that he brought that up with Mr. Brown this morning in their conversation, and his recommendation was not to do that because people will trust that too much and cause more accidents.
Chief Kolich presented the police report for October 2024. He said of the 137 calls for service, 120 were answered by the Brookneal Police Department and 17 by the Campbell County Sheriff's Office. He said Halloween went well; the police department passed out over 400 bags to kids on Main Street that night.
Public Works Director Mike Crews encouraged the Council to complete the survey mentioned by Kelly Hitchcock at last month’s meeting. He said completing the survey is one way to express your concerns about traveling 501 from Brookneal to Rustburg; it is called the Central Virginia Safety Action plan survey. Links to this survey were emailed to Council members in October. He presented the following in his report:
- October 12thwater leak on Lynchburg Avenue
- Southern Corrosion started on the downtown water tank last week and they are painting it today
- OSHA inspection from last month, corrective action has been completed
- Land use permit application has been submitted to VDOT for the parade December 5
- Maintenance department will be putting up Christmas banners and lights
- Trash pick up will be Wednesday, November 27thfor the Thanksgiving day holiday
- The old farm store property has been cleaned up and the motel property trash has been cleaned up.
Mayor Kenneth Jennings presented the following resolution of appreciation to retiring Councilperson Joseph “Benny” David.
NOVEMBER 12, 2024
Whereas, Mr. Benny David has dedicated twelve years to the service of the citizens of the Town of Brookneal while serving as a member of their Town Council, and
Whereas, Mr. David has provided leadership and dedication to the Town Council while enjoying the respect and admiration of his fellow council members, and
Whereas, Mr. David has always represented the citizens well with his expertise and vigilance in keeping the animal population safe and cared for, and
Whereas, Mr. David has represented Brookneal on the Brookneal-Campbell County Airport Authority since May 9, 2023, and
Whereas, Mr. David has been present at Council meetings and has served on the physical development committee during his 12-year tenure, taking his oath and commitment seriously to the citizens of the Town of Brookneal, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Brookneal hereby expresses its sincere appreciation to Benny David for his time, talent, and dedication in representing the citizens of Brookneal while serving as a member of the Brookneal Town Council.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that this “RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION” be recorded in the permanent records of the Town of Brookneal as a testimony of the Town’s gratitude to Benny for his service and dedication.
Upon motion by Mark Wilkes, seconded by Scott Fisher, and unanimously approved, the Council voted to approve the following request for transfers of appropriation.
Ms. Brenda Short, of Guthrie’s Hardware, thanked the Council for listening to Mr. Kenneth Brown from VDOT, hearing their concerns, and trying to resolve this issue.
Councilperson David thanked everyone for giving him the opportunity to serve, and he said he enjoyed working with everyone.
Councilperson Fisher said that he and Mr. Wilkes had met with a contractor to look at the bathrooms at the community center; they are working on getting an estimate for the work that needs to be done.
Councilperson Francis announced that there will be a rabies clinic on November 16 from 8 to 10 am at the citizens service building in Rustburg; rabies shots will be available as well as a lifetime dog tag and microchipping for dogs, all for $25. He said Brookneal Munch asked him to announce that they have not moved but only pushed their food truck back in their lot to open up their parking lot more. He said Tracy Jensen has painted her wall on the side of her building on Main Street; he said it looks nice and adds a pop of color to the town. He recognized a Brookneal resident, Pat Owen, who turned 100 on October 31, 2024. He said he enjoyed the 75th anniversary celebration of the Brookneal Woman’s Club this past Sunday. He said the town would not be the same without the women’s club. Mr. Francis thanked Mr. David for his public service. Mr. Francis then talked about the Brookneal election held November 5, 2024. He said that it was so refreshing to see 2 political rivals at the same polling location (Kenneth Jennings and Barbara Laprade both running for Mayor of Brookneal) being cordial to each other and introducing each other to potential voters.
Councilperson Laprade reiterated what Councilperson Francis said about the election; only in Brookneal would you have opposing candidates introducing each other. She thanked Mr. David for his service. She said they had a wonderful 75thanniversary for the Woman’s Club. She said that there will be a community Thanksgiving service on Sunday, November 17, at 3 pm at Ebenezer Baptist Church. She said the offering from that service will be split between BEAM and the Dixie Boys’ and Dixie Girls’ organizations.
Vice Mayor Wilkes expressed appreciation to Mr. David for his 12 years of service; he said Benny was a fighter for Brookneal and stood up for what he believed in.
Mayor Jennings said that this being his last meeting tonight, it is bittersweet. He said that a friend of his, Barbara Laprade won the election. He commended the police department, Mike Crews and Bobbie Waller for their commendable efforts for this town. He said he learned a lot in his 2 years as mayor.
Vice Mayor Mark Wilkes said on behalf of the finance and planning committee, he would like to make a motion to present a resolution to Mayor Jennings in January 2025. The motion received a second from Conner Francis, and was unanimously carried. A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Mr. Fisher Aye
Mr. Francis Aye
Mr. Wilkes Aye
Ms. Laprade Aye
Mr. David Aye
A few of the town manager search committee members spoke on behalf of the candidate they have selected. Ms. Brenda Short said that she was reluctant to serve on the committee when she was asked to do so by Councilperson Johnson. She said however, it was one of the most pleasurable experiences as far as working on a committee; she said it was a great group of people to work with. She said Councilperson Johnson was so well organized and kept the group focused. She said they reviewed many resumes and interviewed quite a few people. She said it was the unanimous decision of the committee to present this candidate for the town manager; she said they were impressed with this person and their qualifications. She said the committee can’t tell the Council enough how excited they are in hoping that the Council will accept their recommendation.
Mr. David Francis reiterated what Ms. Short said. He said he was honored to be a member of this committee and to be selected to select someone who will guide this town forward. He said it was a pretty big honor, and he appreciated that honor. He said he felt this candidate is capable of picking the town up and guiding the town into the future in a strong way. He said he thought the candidate would help jumpstart the town and build it back up. He urged the Council to vote yes for this candidate. He had a note from Laverne Canada who was unable to be at the meeting tonight. He expressed her support of the nominating committee’s proposal for the candidate of the position of town manager. She expressed her pleasure of working with like minded business owners that care about the success and growth of this wonderful town.
Mr. Bobby Long thanked the Council for letting him serve alongside Council members in such an endeavor. He said this shows that the Council is committed to hearing the voice of the community. He said he has participated on numerous search committees over the years; he said this one has been one of the most dedicated, diligent, and determined teams he has ever been a part of. He said it has been an enlightening journey for him as he has learned a lot about Brookneal in the process. He said this team has executed a very comprehensive and vigorous pursuit of a town manager. He said they advertised twice and had over 40 candidates. He said the team was unanimous when they came to the conclusion to present what they see is a very strong, energetic, competent and capable candidate for the Council’s consideration.
Mr. David Francis also thanked the Town for the support of Trick or Treat on Main Street in October. He said from the town office promoting and supporting the event, the police department for having all officers on duty and keeping traffic flowing, and to public works for cleaning the streets that day and being present on Main Street and helping control everything. He said he thought it was one of the greatest nights in Brookneal in a long time.
Upon motion by Conner Francis, seconded by Scott Fisher, and unanimously carried, the Council voted to go into closed session under VA Code 2.2-3711 (A)(1) for the purpose of staff briefing concerning probable litigation after a 5-minute recess. A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Mr. Francis Aye
Vice Mayor Wilkes Aye
Ms. Laprade Aye
Mr. Fisher Aye
Mr. David Aye
Upon motion by Conner Francis, seconded by Joseph David, and unanimously carried, the Council came back into open session.
Mayor Jennings called for a vote certifying that only those items were discussed as allowed under VA Code Section 2.2-3711 (A)(7) for the purpose of staff briefing concerning probable litigation.
Voting was as follows:
Mr. Francis Aye
Mr. Fisher Aye
Mr. David Aye
Vice Mayor Wilkes Aye
Mayor Jennings Aye
Ms. Laprade Aye
Upon motion by Conner Francis, seconded by Scott Fisher and unanimously carried, the Council voted to go into closed session under VA Code 2.2-3711 (A)(1) for the purpose of discussing the town manager position. A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Mr. Francis Aye
Vice Mayor Wilkes Aye
Ms. Laprade Aye
Mr. Fisher Aye
Mr. David Aye
Upon motion by Conner Francis, seconded by Scott Fisher, and unanimously carried, the Council came back into open session.
Mayor Jennings called for a vote certifying that only those items were discussed as allowed under VA Code Section 2.2-3711 (A)(1) for the purpose of discussing the town manager position.
Voting was as follows:
Mr. Francis Aye
Mr. Fisher Aye
Mr. David Aye
Vice Mayor Wilkes Aye
Mayor Jennings Aye
Ms. Laprade Aye
Ms. Cynthia Johnson joined the closed session from Morristown, Tennessee via cell phone.
Councilperson David made a motion that the Brookneal Town Council immediately adopt the package presented to the full Council this 12th day of November, 2024 from the select subcommittee on the 2024 search committee for the position of town manager. Furthermore, he moved for Craig Hughes to be appointed town manager of Brookneal, Virginia, effective as of November 18, 2024. The motion received a second from Scott Fisher and was unanimously carried. A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Mr. Francis Aye
Vice Mayor Wilkes Aye
Ms. Laprade Aye
Mr. Fisher Aye
Mr. David Aye
Mayor Jennings Aye
Upon motion by Conner Francis, seconded by Barbara Laprade, and unanimously carried, Mayor Jennings announced that the November 12, 2024, Council meeting was adjourned
Bobbie A. Waller: Clerk/Treasurer
Kenneth Jennings: Mayor