P.O. Box 450/215 Main Street Brookneal, VA 24528

February 10, 2015



7:00 PM – The regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council

The municipal government of the Town of Brookneal met with the following members present:

Phyllis Campbell, Mayor

James Nowlin, Vice Mayor

Richard Adams, Robert Jean, Barbara Laprade, Joseph B. David, Jr., and Mark Wilkes, Council Members 

Russell Thurston, Town Manager

Bobbie Waller, Clerk/Treasurer

Mike Crews, Public Works Director

Ricky Baldwin, Chief of Police





Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by Joseph B. David, Jr., and unanimously carried, Council approved the agenda for the February 10, 2015, regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council with the following addition and the following change:  1) Proclamation for Year of the Senior 2015 2) Resolution for Owen’s Heating and Sheet Metal is being postponed due to illness.



Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by Mark Wilkes, and unanimously carried, Council approved the January 13, 2015, Town Council meeting minutes. 


Mayor Campbell asked that the February 2015 treasurer’s report be filed for audit. 



Councilperson Adams asked about the invoice from Seamon and Sons General Contractors for $3300.00.  Public Works Director Mike Crews said this company performed the 5 yr. preventative maintenance including cleaning, resealing and coating to the community building, but on the BEAM side of the community building, a spot had to be repaired resulting in the extra cost. 

Be it resolved that motion was made by James Nowlin, seconded by Richard Adams, and unanimously carried, authorizing the payment of the invoices for the period of January 14, 2015 to February 10, 2015, in the amount of $32,128.22.




No one appeared before Council during public comment.



Chief Richard Baldwin presented the police report for January 2015.  He said of the 86 calls for service in January, 72 were answered by the Brookneal Police Department.  Chief Baldwin talked a little about the DUI checkpoint held in the town a couple of weeks ago.  He said 15 police officers from different localities participated. 



Public Works Director Mike Crews said that the intersection of Charlotte Street and Lynchburg Avenue near the Brookneal Elementary School is scheduled to be repaired on April 6 by VDOT.   Mr. Crews said that there was a question about handicap parking at the new theater.  He said according to zoning, there is supposed to be 1 handicap parking space for each 4 seats provided for patron use plus 1 space for each 100 square feet of floor or ground area used for an amusement assembly.  Councilperson David noted that there are not that many parking spaces on all of Main Street.  Mr. Crews said that the theater is going to have to make do with what they have since there is not enough room to do this on Main Street.

Councilperson Laprade said that she had received a complaint about the upstairs ladies restroom at the community building.  She said that she was told that the area is not wide enough for ladies to use the restroom.  Ms. Waller suggested that the downstairs restroom in the dining room could have been used for this event that weekend because that restroom is more accomodating.  Councilperson David suggested just making the restroom a one person restroom and locking the outer door.  Mayor Campbell asked Councilperson Wilkes to get with Vice Mayor Nowlin on the Physical Development Committee and make a recommendation on what needs to be done.     



Town Manager Russell Thurston said that the first budget meeting to work on the 2015-2016 budget will be held on February 11, 2015 at 10 a.m.   Mr. Thurston said that the audit for the 2013-2014 fiscal year has been completed by our accounting firm.  He noted a few items of interest on the audit report:

  • In the general fund, revenues received exceeded budgeted amounts by 9/10s of 1%. 
  • In the general fund, expenses were 99.1% of what was budgeted.
  • At the end of the year, a little over $11,000 was put into the long term reserve account (cash and cash equivalents)
  • In the utility fund, on the water fund side, revenues were less than what was budgeted by $3,168.  He said that with the water rate increases, we are in the process of correcting that shortage.
  • On the water fund side, he said that the expenses were a little bit lower than what was budgeted.
  • On the sewer fund side, we were short by $4,953.44 on the revenue side.
  • On the sewer fund side, expenses came in a little less than what was budgeted.

Mr. Thurston said he went to visit the General Assembly in Richmond back in January, and he said he lobbied some individuals for grant money that we will be applying for later this year. 

He said that he has finished the paperwork for Mr. Michael Monroe concerning the vineyard, and he has sent that to the attorney’s office for his review.  He also said that he is working on revising the ordinance on utility billing concerning late notices.  He said that he is going to bring this to the Council for their review at a Council meeting in the near future. 



Mr. Thurston noted that VDOT was not happy with the bids all coming in over budget.  They wanted the project bided out a 3rd time.  He said he and Mr. Crews met with the engineering firm, looked at some language in the VDOT policies; put together bid history from across the state on other projects, and made a case to VDOT.  He said that if this was bided again, it was still going to come in high and it was going to cost the Town multiple thousands of dollars in additional engineering fees and advertising fees.  He said that VDOT finally agreed to award the bid to one of the contractors, Harold Collins of Farmville, VA.  

Upon motion by Mark Wilkes, seconded by Robert Jean, and unanimously carried, the Council voted to issue the notice to proceed with construction of the Brookneal Phase 3 Streetscape project to Harold Collins of Farmville, VA for construction and related work not to exceed $325,000 and to be completed in accordance with VDOT project requirements. 



Upon motion by Joseph B. David, Jr., seconded by Mark Wilkes, and unanimously carried, the Council approved the following transfers of appropriation:


To:       Brookneal Town Council

Date:    February 10, 2015


The following Appropriation Transfers are requested for FY2015:

Category—Expense                                        INCREASE       New Total       Balance in Account

Recreation Repairs & Maint.—01-7104-5407  $ 2,715.25      $ 4,515.25         $        0.00

Category--Expense                                         DECREASE      New Total       Balance in Account

Contingency Fund—01-8102-7010                    $2,715.25      $ 5,101.75         $  5,101.75

To cover the costs of roof repairs to the community building.

Category--Expense                                         INCREASE      New Total        Balance in Account

Sanitation—Repairs & Maint.--01-4203-5407    $  398.38       $ 6,443.38       $           0.00

Category—Expense                                        DECREASE     New Total       Balance in Account

Contingency Fund—01-8102-7010                    $  398.38       $ 4,703.37       $    4,703.37

To cover the service & inspection costs for the 2010 Kenworth Trash Truck over budget.

Category--Expense                                         INCREASE      New Total        Balance in Account

Sanitation—Vehicle Supplies--01-4203-5408   $    64.13       $ 1,848.13       $           0.00

Category—Expense                                        DECREASE     New Total       Balance in Account

Contingency Fund—01-8102-7010                    $    64.13       $ 4,639.24       $    4,639.24

To cover the vehicle supplies for the 2010 Kenworth Trash Truck over budget.

Category--Expense                                         INCREASE      New Total        Balance in Account

Recreation—Heating--01-7104-5102                 $1,203.82      $ 5,703.82       $          0.00

Category—Expense                                        DECREASE     New Total       Balance in Account

Contingency Fund—01-8102-7010                    $1,203.82      $ 3,435.42       $    3,435.42

To cover the cost of fill up the LP gas tank at the community building (over budget).

Respectfully requested by:


_________________________________                  __________________________________

Treasurer                                                                                Date





Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by Richard Adams, and unanimously carried, the Council voted to approve the audit for FY14.




Councilperson Adams said that Jane Massie of the Beard Center in Lynchburg had contacted him concerning adopting this proclamation.  He said that the Beard Center is working with the Region 2000 Consortium on Aging, and they want to recognize this year, 2015, as the year of the senior.  Upon motion by Richard Adams, seconded by Barbara Laprade, and unanimously carried, the Council approved the following proclamation for the Alzheimer’s Association. 

A verbal vote was taken as follows:

Mayor Campbell           Aye                 Mr. Nowlin       Aye

Ms. Laprade                Aye                 Mr. David         Aye

Mr. Jean                      Aye                 Mr. Wilkes        Aye

Mr. Adams                   Aye


Year of the Senior 2015

A Proclamation 

Whereas, Campbell County, Virginia, includes over 8,200 citizens who are age 65 or older, and will increase to approximately 10,000 by 2030; and 

Whereas, the older adults in the Campbell County region have made countless contributions and sacrifices to ensure a better life for future generations; and  

Whereas, Campbell County is committed to helping all individuals live longer, healthier lives; and 

Whereas, more than 1000 services are provided in Region 2000 to help older adults remain healthy and active; and 

Whereas, Campbell County, in partnership with those for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, provides services that address the basic needs of those citizens who lack the resources to seek or obtain such services on their own; and 

Whereas, a substantial decrease in the availability of funds coming to this community from the Commonwealth of Virginia, along with increased demands on charitable contributions, has created challenges this community will need to address in the months and years ahead.

Now therefore, I, as Mayor of Brookneal, Virginia, do hereby proclaim 2015 as the Year of the Senior. I urge every group, organization and resident to take time during this year to recognize older adults and those who serve and support them as powerful and vital individuals who greatly contribute to this community.

I also urge that town, organization and community leaders work together to address the increasing needs of this valuable community resource, and take appropriate steps to agree on actions which will assure our ability to continue to provide the services needed to sustain their quality of life in the years to come.

Dated this 10th day of February, 2015

By______________________________, Mayor, Town of Brookneal, Virginia

Phyllis Campbell





There were no committee recommendations. 






Councilperson Jean said that he would like the Council to do a resolution recognizing Charles Haley on his induction into the NFL Hall of Fame. Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by Mark Wilkes, and unanimously carried, the Council voted to pass a resolution honoring Charles Haley. 




Upon motion from Mark Wilkes, seconded by Robert Jean, and unanimously carried, Mayor Campbell announced that the February 10, 2015, meeting was adjourned. 

___________________________                  ____________________________

Bobbie A. Waller                                             Phyllis L. Campbell

Clerk/Treasurer                                               Mayor

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215 Main Street
Brookneal, VA 24528




Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
