P.O. Box 450/215 Main Street Brookneal, VA 24528

 May 8, 2012


7:00 PM – The regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council

The municipal government of the Town of Brookneal met with the following members present:

Phyllis Campbell, Mayor

James Nowlin, Vice Mayor

Robert Jean, Richard Adams, Tracy Meisenbach, and Mark Wilkes, Council Members

Russell B. Thurston, Town Manager

Bobbie Waller, Clerk/Treasurer

Mike Crews, Public Works Director

Ricky Baldwin, Chief of Police

Absent:  Barbara Laprade



Mayor Campbell called the public hearing to order for the general fund budget at 7:01 p.m.  No one spoke in favor or in opposition to the general fund budget; therefore, Mayor Campbell closed the public hearing at 7:02 p.m.


Mayor Campbell called the public hearing to order for the water fund budget at 7:02 p.m.  No one spoke in favor or in opposition to the water fund budget; therefore, Mayor Campbell closed the public hearing at 7:03 p.m.


Mayor Campbell called the public hearing to order for the sewer fund budget at 7:03 p.m.  Howard Wells of 110 Booker Road said that since gas was so high, he said it is hard on the working man and woman with everything going up.  He said you need to find some way to find these people that run shops and make sure they get their business license.  He said don't pick on the ones that are working.  Mayor Campbell then closed the public hearing on the sewer fund budget at 7:04 p.m.


Mayor Campbell called the public hearing to order for the personal property tax relief act at 7:04 p.m.  Clerk/Treasurer Bobbie Waller explained the personal property tax relief act.  No one spoke in favor or in opposition to the PPTRA; therefore Mayor Campbell closed the public hearing on the PPTRA at 7:06 p.m. 


Mayor Campbell called the public hearing to order at 7:07 p.m. on the proposed sewer base rate increase from $11.50 to $12.50 per household.  Also proposed in conjunction with the sewer rate increase is a decrease in the sewer base rate from 4000 to 2000 gallons.  Mr. Wells had already spoken concerning the increases, and since no one else spoke in favor of or in opposition to the increases, Mayor Campbell closed the public hearing at 7:09 p.m.


Upon motion by Mark Wilkes, seconded by Richard Adams, and unanimously carried, Council approved the agenda for the May 8, 2012, regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council.


Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by Mark Wilkes, and unanimously carried, Council approved the April 10, 2012, Town Council meeting minutes. 


Mayor Campbell asked that the May 2012 treasurer's report be filed for audit.



Be it resolved that motion was made by James Nowlin, seconded by Robert Jean , and unanimously carried, authorizing the payment of the invoices for the period of  April 11, 2012, to May 8, 2012, in the amount of $10,648.60.


Chief Ricky Baldwin distributed the police report for April 2012.  He said 48 of the 60 calls for service were answered by the Brookneal Police Department.  He said he felt like the Drug Take Back Program held April 27 by his department was a success.  He said he was thinking about leaving a collection box year round in the Town office. 


Mr. Mike Crews, Public Works Director, said that the playground equipment has been received.

He said he and Town Manager Russell Thurston met with Art Powers from USDA recently to try to get the water grant closed out, and Mr. Powers discussed the possibility of a sewer grant for the Town.  He said that the Town would have to fund a PER (preliminary engineering report) at a cost of around $25,000-$30,000, but could possibly be reimbursed. 


Town Manager Russell Thurston said that construction on Rush Street will begin any day now.    

He said the Patrick Henry Boys Home worked on landscaping and painting the gazebo at the community building, and it looks great.  He said Day in the Town was a huge success.  He said the new "Discover Brookneal" guide has been published and is out for distribution.  He also said the way finding signs are in and the posts to mount the signs have been ordered.  He said he and Scott Smith have been working on the comprehensive plan, and hopefully a draft will be ready for Council to review in June. 

Mr. Thurston said he and Mike Crews traveled to an attorney's office today and worked on the zoning ordinances concerning the vineyard, but he said he was still several months away from having the amendments to the ordinance done. 


Town Manager Russell Thurston said that VRS has been providing the insurance coverage that covers police officers if they are disabled or killed in the line of duty.  Mr. Thurston said he was recommending that the Town opt out of VRS because of skyrocketing prices on the VRS premiums.  He suggested obtaining coverage from VML because they have better rates.  He said a resolution has to be passed to opt out of VRS Line of Duty Act Fund.

Upon motion by Tracy Meisenbach, seconded by James Nowlin, and unanimously carried, the Council passed the following resolution.  A verbal vote was taken as follows:

Mr. Jean                      Aye                  Mr. Adams                   Aye

Mr. Nowlin                   Aye                  Ms. Meisenbach          Aye

Mr. Wilkes                   Aye

Mayor Campbell          Aye


Irrevocable Election Not to Participate in Line of Duty Act Fund

WHEREAS, pursuant to Item 258 of the Appropriations Act, paragraph B, the Virginia General Assembly has established the Line of Duty Act Fund (the "Fund") for the payment of benefits prescribed by and administered under the Line of Duty Act (Va. Code $ 9.1-400 et seq.); and

WHEREAS, for purposes of administration of the Fund, a political subdivision with covered employees (including volunteers pursuant to paragraph B2 of Item 258 of the Appropriations Act) may make an irrevocable election on or before July 1, 2012, to be deemed a non-participating employer fully responsible for self-funding all benefits relating to its past and present covered employees under the Line of Duty Act from its own funds; and

WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Town of Brookneal to make this irrevocable election to be a non-participating employer with respect to the Fund;

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Brookneal Town Council hereby elects to be deemed a non-participating employer fully responsible for self-funding all benefits relating to its past and present covered employees under the Line of Duty Act from its own funds; and it is further

RESOLVED that the following entities,

Town of Brookneal Police Department

To the best of the knowledge of the Brookneal Town Council, constitute the population of its past and present covered employees under the Line of Duty Act; and it is further

RESOLVED that, as a non-participating employer the Town of Brookneal agrees that it will be responsible for, and reimburse the State Comptroller for all Line of Duty Act benefit payments (relating to existing, pending or prospective claims) approved and made by the State Comptroller on behalf of the Town of Brookneal on or after July 1, 2010; and it is further

RESOLVED that, as a non-participating employer, the Town of Brookneal agrees that it will reimburse the State Comptroller an amount representing reasonable costs incurred and associated, directly and indirectly, with the administration, management, and investment of the Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED that the Town of Brookneal shall reimburse the State Comptroller on no more than a monthly basis from documentation provided to it from the State Comptroller.

Adopted in Brookneal, Virginia this 8th day of May, 2012.


                                                                                    Authorized Signature     Title


Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by Mark Wilkes, and unanimously carried, the Council voted to approve the following transfers of appropriation.


To:       Brookneal Town Council

Date:    May 8, 2012

The following Appropriation Transfers are requested for FY2012:

The following appropriation transfers will cover salaries in these areas through FY12 and the 2.5% employee bonus that to be given at the end of June 2012 (which is in lieu of a raise for FY13).

General Fund                                                                                                  As of 5/8/12

Category—Expense                                         ADD                New Total       Balance in Account

Town Manager—Salary—01-1201-1001                 $   1,264.93     $41,264.93         $    8,692.30

Category--Expense                                          DELETE         New Total       Balance in Account

Town Manager—SS/Med--01-1201-2001             $     100.00     $  3,160.00         $        668.24

Category—Expense                                         DELETE         New Total       Balance in Account

Contingency Fund—01-8102-7010                        $   1,364.93     $  6,075.05         $    6,075.05 


Category—Expense                                         ADD                New Total       Balance in Account

Treasurer—Salary—01-1202-1001                       $ 1,633.89     $ 28,917.89          $    5,930.24

Category--Expense                                          DELETE         New Total       Balance in Account

Contingency Fund—01-8102-7010                       $ 1,633.89     $  4,441.16           $    4,441.16                                                                             

Category—Expense                                         ADD                New Total       Balance in Account

Public Works—01-4101-1001                               $ 2,423.52     $ 42,733.52          $    8,759.76

Category--Expense                                          DELETE         New Total       Balance in Account

Contingency Fund—01-8102-7010                       $ 2,423.52     $   2,017.64         $     2,017.64                 


Category—Expense                                         ADD                New Total       Balance in Account

Streets—Salaries—01-4102-1001                         $ 1,166.46     $ 19,985.46         $      4,090.60

Category--Expense                                          DELETE         New Total       Balance in Account

Contingency Fund—01-8102-7010                       $ 1,166.46     $      851.18         $         851.18

Category—Expense                                         ADD                New Total       Balance in Account

Sanitation—Salaries—01-4203-1001                     $ 2,876.01     $ 29,948.01         $      5,885.04

Category--Expense                                          DELETE         New Total       Balance in Account

Contingency Fund—01-8102-7010                       $    851.18     $          0.00         $            0.00

Category—Expense                                         DELETE         New Total       Balance in Account

Streets—Temp—01-4102-1004                             $ 2,024.83     $ 16,275.17         $      7,364.22



Category—Expense                                         ADD                New Total       Balance in Account

Advertising—01-1226-3007                                   $   720.00     $    2,520.00         $         598.34

Category--Expense                                          DELETE         New Total       Balance in Account

Streets—Temp—01-4102-1004                            $   720.00     $  15,555.17        $       6,644.22

To cover the cost of advertising the budget and other advertising until the end of FY12.

Category—Expense                                         ADD                New Total       Balance in Account

Sanitation—Fuel-01-4203-5409                             $ 1,800.00     $  10,800.00         $      1,752.84

Category--Expense                                          DELETE         New Total       Balance in Account

Streets—Temp—01-4102-1004                            $ 1,800.00     $  13,755.17        $       4,844.22

To cover the fuel for the sanitation department until the end of FY12.

Respectfully requested by:






Councilperson Richard Adams spoke a little bit about the Brookneal Campbell County Airport.  He said one of the biggest projects going on at the airport is a fuel tank being installed for pilots to be able to refuel their aircraft on the field.  He said the tank has been installed and the final hookups are being done tomorrow and the fuel will be delivered tomorrow.  He said the airport has entered into a verbal agreement with an outside contractor to manage the fuel service.  They will buy and supply the fuel in the tank, so the airport authority, the Town and County will not have to invest that money. 

Mr. Adams said that there have also been some articles in the paper and on the television news about the issues surrounding the firing range on the airport property.  He said a memo was sent out to the authority to see if they would entertain discussions on the idea of the county placing a firing range on the property.  He said the authority said they would, but that was the last contact they had concerning the plans.  He said to date there has been no formal presentation on what the sheriff's department needs or wants.  He has there has been no presentation of any written plans.  He said that last month at the April meeting the authority was informed that engineering studies would proceed on the property even though they had postponed any construction for the next 12 months.  He said these studies could push 6 figures for just the engineering studies.  Since nothing had been presented to the airport authority and they did not want the taxpayer money being spent until they knew more about the project and what was going on, decided, as an authority, by motion and unanimous vote, that they would not entertain the idea of a firing range going onto that property.  He said there has been some further discussion on this, but the information has been relayed back to the county that they need to seek other sites for this project.  He said one of their biggest concerns as an authority, is that there is a good bit of valuable commercial land available there that could be used in the development of the airport.  He said the airport has gone through several years of upgrades and improvements.  He said all members of the authority were concerned about the adverse impact of having a firing range on the property, and the future impact of other businesses locating on that property.  He said there are items on the 6 year capital improvement plan to add hangars and other facilities.      


Mayor Campbell opened up public comment time after Mr. Adams' airport report.  Mr. Michael Monroe said they had been talking with law enforcement to get a rough idea about a shooting range.  He said he wanted to see what the Council thought of an indoor shooting range in the Town of Brookneal.  He said evidently the County cannot afford an indoor range because of the cost.  Discussion and questions ensued about the proposal of a gun range in the Town of Brookneal.  Mr. Thurston said that this proposal would require more research.  Mr. Thurston asked Mr. Monroe to come up with some things in writing including the requirements and the parameters.  Mr. Monroe said they would get more information from the sheriff's office.  He said they wanted to talk with Council first to see how they felt about it.

Mr. Howard Wells, of Booker Road, asked about having a 15 mph sign on his road or a "children at play" sign since there are a lot of children playing in that area.  Mr. Crews said he could put up the "children at play" sign.  He said otherwise, he would have to get a mph sign approved by VDOT.       


All council members complimented Day in the Town which was held Saturday, May 5, 2012.   

Councilmember Meisenbach noted that the pipe caps near the fire hydrants need to be marked because VDOT has got the one near her fire hydrant in mowing the grass on the roadway.  She also thanked Chief Baldwin for his assistance

Councilmember Wilkes said that the Town Manager Russell Thurston was doing a wonderful job.  He asked him if he would check into a housing grant that might be available to help low income Town citizens to do some necessary repairs on their homes.  He also said that he thought a vehicle should be available for Mr. Thurston's use.  He suggested the Ford Explorer in the police department.  Chief Baldwin said they would talk more about this and see if something could be worked out.


Upon motion from James Nowlin, seconded by Richard Adams, and unanimously carried, Mayor Campbell announced that the May 8, 2012, meeting was adjourned. 

___________________________                  ____________________________

Bobbie A. Waller                                             Phyllis L. Campbell

Clerk/Treasurer                                               Mayor

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(434) 376-3124 



P.O. Box 450 or
215 Main Street
Brookneal, VA 24528




Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
